
Deputy Chief Security Officer
Senior Partner
Vice President & Chief Technology Officer, Enterprise Networking Business & Innovation Labs
Assistant Professor, Technology Management Program
UC Santa Barbara
Senior Editor
Harvard Business Review
CEO and Publisher
MIT Technology Review
Cofounder and CEO
Stanford University
Senior AI Reporter
MIT Technology Review
Senior editor
MIT Technology Review
Harvard Business School
Editor in Chief
Harvard Business Review
US Workforce Transformation Leader
Deloitte Consulting LLP
Editor in Chief
MIT Technology Review
SVP & GM, 4G/5G
VP and Chief Information Officer
Booz Allen
Director, Digital Currency Initiative
MIT Media Lab
Research Area Manager, Principal Investigator
Senior Editor for Cybersecurity
MIT Technology Review
Director, Applied AI
Google Cloud
Deputy CISO, Head of Threat Management
City of New York
Peterson Institute for International Economics
President and Chief Technology Officer of Products and Operations
Dell Technologies
Principal Research Scientist
MIT Center for Information Systems Research
Editor at Large
MIT Technology Review
VP, Talent Digitization
Schneider Electric
President & CEO
Scarlino Speaker Strategies, LLC
US Future of Work Leader, Principal
Deloitte Consulting LLP
Professor of Engineering System and Director of the MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics
Howard University
Editorial Director, Audio and Live Journalism
MIT Technology Review
Director and Founder
Scripps Research Translational Institute
Chairman and CEO
Verizon Communications
Cofounder and CTO
Veo Robotics
CEO & Founder
Future Today Institute
VP Digital Product Management
GE Digital
CEO & Founder
Zoom Video Communications
Oxford University


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